ACE Online Rules of Conduct
The following rules govern player activities and interaction within ACE Online. Please be aware that failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the suspension or termination of your ACE Online and/or Suba Games game account as described in the Suba Games Terms & Conditions. Ignorance of the ACE Online Rules of Conduct is not justification for violation of the ACE Online Rules of Conduct.

  1. While playing ACE Online, you will respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. You will not insult, harass, threaten, defraud, scam, or cause distress to other players. You will not report players maliciously, or cause them to be investigated by Suba Games staff without reason.
  2. You will always act in good faith to other players. Not acting in good faith is defined as any behavior which is of malicious intent, or disruptive to other players’ game experiences. This includes but is not limited to spying on, impersonating, and deceiving other players in any way, within or outside of the ACE Online game client or ACE Online web site. This includes but is not limited to using social media, online discussion forums and/or online streaming web sites.
  3. You will not post or communicate any player's real world information (name, address, location, credit card information, driver’s license, etc.) through the ACE Online game or on the ACE Online web site.
  4. You will not use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive language in any portion of the ACE Online game client or web site. This includes but is not limited to the in-game chat channels, nation notices, brigade notices, brigade insignias, and /ment messages.
  5. You will not post or link to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially or ethnically offensive imagery or content in any portion of the ACE Online game client.
  6. You must select a login ID, Suba Games nickname, world ranking nickname, and character name that does not contain offensive, harmful, sexual, deceptive, or otherwise disruptive text, phrases, words, or use of symbols or numbers in any language, English or otherwise.
  7. When communicating in ACE Online’s local, map, and war chat channels, you will not post spam or flood the chat channel, or otherwise abuse your chatting privileges.
  8. You will not use any chat channel for a purpose not intended for it (i.e. trade requests using war chat channel).
  9. You will not use any language but English on the war chat or local chat channels.
  10. You will not attempt to bypass the in-game chat filter by any means. The chat filter can be turned on or off at each player’s discretion.
  11. You will not organize nor be a member of any pledges or groups within ACE Online’s game client or web site that are based on or espouse any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, or other beliefs or platforms which are hateful, offensive or malicious.
  12. You will not impersonate any employee of Suba Games, Wicked Interactive Ltd. or their affiliates, including but not limited to Game Masters (GMs), nor will you disseminate any claim or information, whether true, false, or fabricated, on behalf of the above parties.
  13. You will follow the instructions of authorized Suba Games and Wicked Interactive Ltd. personnel (denoted by colored character names and/or “[GM]” tags) while playing ACE Online. Failure to comply with their instructions will result in account suspension or termination.
  14. You will not provide false information or intentionally hide any information when registering for your ACE Online or Suba Games account, or when asked to divulge any such information by Suba Games or Wicked Interactive Ltd. staff.
  15. You will not violate any local, state, national, or international laws or regulations while using the ACE Online game client or web site.
  16. You will not market, promote, advertise, or solicit within the ACE Online game, ACE Online web site, Suba Games’ web site, or on any social media outlets affiliated with Suba Games and/or Wicked Interactive Ltd.
  17. You will not use the Suba Games Support System to inflict harm upon, falsely accuse or harass other players, to submit false reports on any issue, or to cause undue load on the ACE Online and/or Suba Games servers, as well as any other servers owned and operated by Suba Games and Wicked Interactive Ltd. Individuals who abuse the reporting function will be investigated and will face possible account suspension or termination.
  18. While participating in Plaver vs. Player (PvP) gameplay (including but not limited to the arena, mothership wars, strategic point wars, or open PvP wars that occur in combat maps), you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the local ranking or world ranking ladders, or player or brigade fame. This also includes disrupting other players’ game experience, either by interfering with normal PvP gameplay or by not actively participating in matches in good faith, for example, leeching, feeding, denying kills to other players, using distracting or deceptive chat or /ment messages, or kill-stealing.
  19. You will not operate more than one ACE Online game client at a time from the same computer for use in PvP gameplay of any kind. Any use of multiple ACE Online game clients from the same computer or Internet connection which is found to be malicious, disruptive, or in violation of any of the ACE Online Rules of Conduct, will be subject to suspension or termination.
  20. You will not place a player buying or selling shop in your nation’s city anywhere but on the 2nd floor of the city or above. The 1st floor, Aquarium, Infinity Field lobby, and ramps/stairs leading to the 2nd floor are restricted.
  21. You will not modify or change any part of the ACE Online game client or server, or the ACE Online web site. You will not disseminate or distribute modified game files, or information on how to modify ACE Online. This includes but is not limited to use of third-party tools such as Cheat Engine to modify ACE Online in memory, or edited game executables.
  22. You will not advertise the intent to or commit the act of buying, selling, trading, sharing, or transferring access to any ACE Online account or any contents of said game account (including items and characters) for real-world currency or for in-game SPI, War Points, Suba Points/credits, or items.
  23. You will not offer in-game services for real-world currency.
  24. You will not abuse the ACE Online Cash Shop or Gift System in any way, or use it to spam, scam, or harass other players.
  25. You will not reverse or charge back any payment made at the Suba Games Bank. Any such payment which is reversed or charged back will cause the affected account to be immediately suspended until such time as the reversal or charge back is canceled or revoked.
  26. You will not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated or illegal software while playing ACE Online or using the ACE Online web site.
  27. You will not upload or transmit on or to the ACE Online game client, or the official ACE Online web site, any copyrighted or trademarked content to which you do not own all rights without the express written permission of the author or the copyright or trademark holder.
  28. You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running ACE Online, the ACE Online web site, or any servers or web sites operated by Suba Games and Wicked Interactive Ltd. This includes, but is not limited to hacks, cheats or alterations of transmitted information (packets) of any kind.
  29. You will not use any third-party program (such as a bot) in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering SPI, War Points, or items within ACE Online. You will not assist, relay, or store SPI, War Points, or items for other players who are using these processes. Any bot use, whether perceived or real, will be subject to the same punishment.
  30. You will not exploit or benefit from, either directly or indirectly, any bug in ACE Online. You will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits or which disrupt or harm normal gameplay) either via the ACE Online game client or through public posting, to any other user of ACE Online. Any bug that is found must be immediately reported at the Suba Games Support web site. Compliance in bug abuse and/or failure to report bug abuse may be treated as severely as if the abuse were performed directly.
  31. You will not attempt to play ACE Online on any server that is not authorized by Suba Games and/or Wicked Interactive Ltd. Private servers are strictly illegal and are unsupported by Suba Games and Wicked Interactive Ltd.
  32. You will not create, use, or provide any ACE Online server software, or any server emulator or other site where ACE Online may be played, and you will not post or distribute any utilities, emulators or other software tools related to ACE Online without the express written permission of Suba Games and/or Wicked Interactive Ltd.
  33. You will use the Suba Games Support web site to alert Suba Games to in-game issues such as inappropriate behavior, offensive character names, the perceived use of a bot, hacks or glitch abuse, or other misconduct, as specified in the ACE Online Rules of Conduct, or the Suba Games Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.